And yet again, total win over Anfi, this time Court nº 5.

As said above this is another total win, this time was Court nº 5, his Lordship Don José Manuel Díaz Pavón, that declared the contract null and void with return of the price paid, legal interests and also legal costs. Not very much to add ;)

19-03-21 KAYE. Sentencia Primera Instancia. SBT5. Anfi. Estimatoria con costas. 1 página.jpg
19-03-21 KAYE. Sentencia Primera Instancia. SBT5. Anfi. Estimatoria con costas 2 página.jpg

Now you know more about timeshare contracts in Spain, if you want to get rid of it I am an independent lawyer and I can help you! Remember that preliminary advice is for free. See more information here, or contact me directly.